Judging Process
Judging process
In the first round process entries are reviewed by a panel of judges chaired by Forecourt Trader editor Juliet Morrison, and includes experts from the industry including experienced forecourt retailers. This round relies on the written answers you submit alongside the photographic evidence you provide – so make sure they show off your forecourt and facilities to their best advantage – in combination with your written entry.
Our panel of judges will be looking for entrants who show entrepreneurial skill, initiative and dedication in running a successful business. Their operation will be professionally and efficiently run, reflecting the high standard of discipline required to compete in today’s retail environment.
On-the-Road judging
Shortlists for each region and specialist category are drawn up, and judges then take to the road travelling thousands of miles around the UK to visit the top-scoring sites. Welcoming and well-maintained facilities, cleanliness, tidiness, a well-stocked and merchandised store, and friendly and helpful staff are key elements for consideration at this stage and adherence to the criteria for the specialist categories.
If the site is every bit as good as the photographs and written entry suggest, it goes on to the final round. If it doesn't come up to scratch, judges move down the shortlist to the next highest scorer, and so on.
There will be up to five finalists in each of the specialist and regional categories.
The Forecourt Trader of the Year is chosen from the winners of the regional and motorway categories.
The judging process starts in May and will be completed by early August, with all finalists being announced shortly afterwards.
All finalists will feature in Forecourt Trader, on forecourttrader.co.uk and on forecourttraderawards.co.uk for all to see.